Cologne: 22.–25.10.2024 #ORGATEC

EN Icon Pfeil Icon Pfeil
EN Element 13300 Element 12300 DE

Focus Area #CircularBiomaterials

Discover the Focus Area #CircularBiomaterials in Hall 4.2 C030/D031: In the midst of the shift towards a circular economy, this special area offers exciting insights into the future of sustainable material technologies. Innovative solutions will be presented here that are not only sustainable, but also offer economic and technical advantages.

Advanced biomaterial solutions

See for yourself how textiles made from banana fibres, furniture foams made from seagrass and upholstery fillings made from cattail fibres are challenging and replacing traditional materials. These products offer impressive examples of how industries can be transformed by renewable and self-decomposing materials.

Networking with experts

This exhibition is not only a platform to showcase innovations, but also an excellent opportunity to network with decision makers and innovators from your industry. Discuss the latest trends with experts and find out how you can implement these technologies in your own business field.

You must not miss

Your participation in the #CircularBiomaterials exhibition could be the decisive step in bringing your company up to speed with the latest sustainability trends.