Focus Area #TheCircularHouse
ORGATEC 2024 is proud to present #TheCircularHouse. Discover the 500 m² platform designed to showcase visionary solutions for sustainable office and working environments! Information, knowledge and experienced cooperation partners focused on circular transformation – for beginners and experts alike.

InInteractive world of experience
Interactive world of experience
Located at the centre of #TheCircularHouse is the #CircularStage, a circular space that will host workshops and presentations organised as part of the third edition of the Circular Cooperation Network Days (CCND) event. The #CircularStage is ringed by an interactive showcase providing insights into the circular ecosystem. The adjacent brand platforms will highlight products and services from the participating exhibition partners.
Networking platform
Suppliers, manufacturers, retailers and service providers who facilitate or promote circular concepts will have the opportunity to meet experts from the fields of product innovation, service design and management. #TheCircularHouse offers a dynamic platform for dialogue, networking and the development of sustainable concepts.
Prominent cooperation partners
Participating partners will include the
North Rhine-Westphalia Ministry of the Environment , the
NRW Efficiency Agency and
Concular, a start-up regarded as a pioneer and leading figure in the circular construction industry.
The initiator and curator of this special exhibition area is
CADEMI – Academy and Community for Circular Transformation . CADEMI worked with Koelnmesse to launch the
Furniture 4.0 initiative at ORGATEC 2022. This has since been followed by two Circular Cooperation Network Days (CCND), the workshop and conference format developed by Furniture 4.0.
Participate in the focus area!
Is your company interested in being a part of the #TheCircularHouse focus area?
For further information and details about participating, please e-mail Christof Flötotto: (.pdf) .